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The author is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages – unless he has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of his site fromviewing those pages. The author hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. The author has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, he hereby expressly dissociates himself from all contents of all linked pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies to all links and references set within the author’s own Internet offer as well as to external entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by the author. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information, only the provider of the linked page is liable, not the one who has linked to the respective publication.


CONCEPT, DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION Werbeagentur GmbH | Social Media Marketing – Web Design – Graphic Design
Nikolaiplatz 2, 9500 Villach, Kärnten
Tel.: +43 4242 / 25682


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Copyright by AustroDesign, Copyright by Gipfelhaus Magdalensberg – Fr. Skorianz, Pexels, Franz Gerdl,, Kärntnerwerbung,

Feiern – Hochzeit

Das Gipfelhaus – Impressionen – Hochzeit

Kati Solwold Photography: Hochzeitsfoto

Feiern – Hochzeiten


Markus Wieser (fotofux):

  • Rund um den Berg – Slider
  • Rund um den Berg – Wildgehege
  • Inklusivleistungen – Slider 1
  • Das Gipfelhaus – Impressionen – Aktivitäten
  • Impressum – Titelbild

Tine Steinthaler – Magdalensberg Aussicht 

  • Startseite – Aktivitäten
  • Aktivitäten – Magdalensberg, immer einen Ausflug wert
  • Rund um den Berg – Slider 1
  • Rund um den Berg – Magdalensberg, immer einen Ausflug wert


Gert Steinthaler – Burg Hochosterwitz 

  • Wandern – Burg Hochosterwitz Section


Helmut Schafzahl: Winterbilder

  • Feiern – Hochzeit – Winter Hochzeit
  • Aktivitäten – Rund um den Berg – Slider 3
  • Aktivitäten – Rund um den Berg – Wallfahrtskirche

Stefan Schwaiger: Maria Saal Dom

  •  Aktivitäten – Wandern- Amphitheater Virunum


